
Python3 needs to be installed on your target-computer. Download python3 from the official website:

After installing python3, you are able to run python in a terminal. (cmd.exe on windows) .. code-block:: bash

$ python3 –version Python 3.6.3

Installing from builds

Download the latest release builds for Windows here.

Extract the .zip file into a directory. RTOC is started by double-clicking on “RTOC.exe”. Alternatively via command line:

// local RTOC-instance including GUI

Install manually

To use the basic RTOC, the following dependencies must be installed:

pip3 install numpy pycryptodomex requests python-nmap whaaaaat prompt_toolkit psycopg2

If you want to use the GUI you must also install the following packages:

pip3 install pyqt5 pyqtgraph markdown2 xlsxwriter scipy pandas ezodf pyGithub

If you want full functionality, then you still need the following packages (for telegram bot and webserver):

pip3 install python-telegram-bot matplotlib dash gevent dash_daq dash_table plotly flask

You can use different stylesheets for the GUI if you want. Just install one of these with pip: ‘QDarkStyle’, ‘qtmodern’, ‘qdarkgraystyle’.

The RTOC repository can then be cloned with:

git clone

Long-time measurements in postgreSQL database (optional)

If you want to store measurements for a long period of time, I would recommend to use RTOC with a postgreSQL database. Therefore you need to setup postgreSQL on your system and change the postgresql parameters in your config.json file.

Setup postgreSQL on linux

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Issue the command sudo apt install postgresql
  3. Follow the instructions to change the default postgresql-password.
  4. Add a new user. You need to switch to the root user to create a new postgres-user
$ sudo bash
$ su - postgres
$ createuser --interactive --pwprompt
$ Enter name of role to add: <NEWUSERNAME>
$ Enter password for new role: <PASSWORD>
$ Enter it again: <PASSWORD>
$ Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
$ Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
$ Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
$ exit  // to return to root user
$ exit // to return to your user
  1. Create a database
  1. Enter your postgresql username, port, database and password in your config.json file.

Setup postgreSQL on windows

  1. Download postgresql one-click installer from this website
  2. Double click on the downloaded file and follow the setup instructions.
  3. Add a new user and create a database (google for that)
  4. Enter your postgresql username, port, database and password in your config.json file.