TCP Communication

TCP Port: 5050 (by default)

The content is formatted as a JSON file (Python: dict) with the following keys (all optional). For more information: RTLogger.NetworkFunctions

dict-key Description
plot = False True: x and y data are plotted as one signal. False: x and y data are signals in pairs. See LoggerPlugin.plot() for more information.
x = [0,1,2,3,4,5] X data to be sent. If x is not set and plot = False, time.time() is set as x-value. If plot = True, the indices of the y data are used. See LoggerPlugin.plot() for more information.
y = [1,2,3,4,5,6] Y-data to be sent. See LoggerPlugin.plot() for more information.
sname = ["signalname"] List of signal names with plot = False, only one element with plot = True. See LoggerPlugin.plot() for more information.
dname = "devicename" Device name to be transmitted. See LoggerPlugin.plot() for more information.
unit = "unit" signal unit. See LoggerPlugin.plot() for more information.
event = {text = "", dname='', sname='', x=clock, priority=0} Create an event. See LoggerPlugin.event() for more information.
getLatest= True If getLatest=True, RTOC returns a Dict of the most current measured values. The signal names are the keys. See NetworkFunctions.getLatest() for more information.
getSignalList = True If getSignalList=True, RTOC returns a list of signal names. See NetworkFunctions.getSignalList() for more information.
getEventList = True If getEventList=True, RTOC returns a list of all events. See NetworkFunctions.getEventList() for more information.
getPluginList = True If getPluginList =True, RTOC returns a Dict of the plugins containing the plugin functions, parameters and the status of the plugin. See NetworkFunctions.getPluginList() for more information.
getEvent = ['Device.Signal',...] Server request for the events of a signal. See NetworkFunctions.getEvent() for more information.
getSignal = ['Device.Signal',...] Server request for signal data. See NetworkFunctions.getSignal() for more information.
plugin = {...} TCP access to plugins with Dict. See NetworkFunctions.handleTcpPlugins() for more information.
logger = {...} RTOC default functions. See NetworkFunctions.handleTcpLogger() for more information.

As response RTOC delivers a dict with the following keys:

dict-key Description
error = False If True, an error has occurred in the transmission
sent = False Is True if data (x,y) has been transmitted to the server.
signalList = [] Contains list of devices, at getSignalList-Request
pluginList= {} Dict with plugins, with getPluginList-Request
signals = {} Dict with signals, with getSignal-Request
events = {} Dict with events, at getEvent-Request
latest = {} Dict with latest measured values, at getLatest-Request

Python example (just with jsonsocket)

This example uses the module jsonsocket:

import jsonsocket

data = {'x':[0,1,2,3],'y':[1,2,3,4],'dname':'Test','sname':['T1','T2','T3','T4']}
sock = jsonsocket.Client()
sock.connect('', 5050)
response = self.sock.recv()

# {'error':False, 'sent':True}

Python example with LoggerPlugin

The following functions simplify access via TCP and are included in LoggerPlugin.

This is strongly recommended for your project!:

import RTOC.LoggerPlugin as LoggerPlugin

class RtocClient(LoggerPlugin):
    def __init__(self, address="localhost", password=None):
      super(Plugin, self).__init__(None, None, None)

      self.createTCPClient(address="localhost", password=None, tcpport=5050, threaded=False)

      response = self.sendTCP(x=[0,1,2,3],y=[1,2,3,4],dname='Test',sname=['T1','T2','T3','T4']

      # {'error':False, 'sent':True}