Source code for RTOC.RTLogger.EventActionFunctions

# coding: utf-8
import os
import json
import logging as log
logging = log.getLogger(__name__)

if True:
        from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication

        translate = QCoreApplication.translate
    except ImportError:
[docs] def translate(id, text): return text
def _(text): return translate('web', text) else: import gettext _ = gettext.gettext
[docs]class EventActionFunctions: """ This class contains all global event/action-specific functions of RTLogger """
[docs] def loadGlobalEvents(self): """ Loads global events from file and stores them in dict 'self.globalEvents' """ print('Loading global events from file') userpath = os.path.expanduser('~/.RTOC') if not os.path.exists(userpath): os.mkdir(userpath) if os.path.exists(userpath+"/globalEvents.json"): try: with open(userpath+"/globalEvents.json", encoding="UTF-8") as jsonfile: self.globalEvents = json.load(jsonfile, encoding="UTF-8") except: self.globalEvents = {} logging.error('Error in GlobalEvents-JSON-File') return else: self.globalEvents = { "myevent1": { "cond": "Generator.Square.latest >= 2", "text": "It is big", "return": " ", "priority": 0, "id": "testID", 'trigger': 'rising', 'sname': '', 'dname': '', 'active': True } } return empty = { "cond": "", "text": "", "return": " ", "priority": 0, "id": "", 'trigger': 'rising', 'sname': '', 'dname': '', 'active': False } for name in self.globalEvents.keys(): tmp = self.globalEvents[name] self.globalEvents[name] = empty for key in tmp.keys(): self.globalEvents[name][key] = tmp[key]
[docs] def saveGlobalEvents(self): """ Saves global events from 'self.globalEvents' to file. """ print('Saving global events to file') with open(self.config['global']['documentfolder']+"/globalEvents.json", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp: json.dump(self.globalEvents, fp, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs] def checkGlobalEvents(self, events): """ Checks if events are valid. Will add the key 'errors' to each event. 'errors' will be True, if it's not valid. Args: events (dict): events to be checked. Returns: events (dict): Input-events + 'errors'-key """ #print('Check, if global events are valid') for key in events.keys(): events[key]['errors'] = False return events
[docs] def performGlobalEvents(self, y, unit, devicename, signalname, x=None): """ Performs global events, if their conditions are fullfilled. This function is called any time data is added to signals. Args: y (float): y-value of signal (not needed) unit (str): unit of signal (not needed) devicename (str): devicename of signal signalname (str): signalname of signal x (float): x-value of signal (not needed) """ events = self.checkGlobalEvents(self.globalEvents) for key in events.keys(): event = events[key] if event['errors'] == False and devicename+"."+signalname in event["cond"] and event['active']: ok, cond = self.checkCondition(event['cond']) if ok: cond = bool(cond) if key not in self.activeGlobalEvents.keys(): self.activeGlobalEvents[key] = event self.activeGlobalEvents[key]['latest'] = None print('First time for this event') triggered = False if event['trigger']=='true': if cond is True: triggered = True elif event['trigger'] == 'false': if cond is False: triggered = True else: if cond is True and self.activeGlobalEvents[key]['latest'] is not True: if event['trigger']=='rising' or event['trigger']=='both': triggered = True elif cond is False and self.activeGlobalEvents[key]['latest'] is True:'Event-Ende: '+devicename+"."+signalname+': '+event['text']) if event['trigger']=='falling' or event['trigger']=='both': triggered = True if triggered: self.database.addNewEvent( text=event['text'], sname=event['sname'], dname=event['dname'], value=event['return'], priority=event['priority'], id=event['id']) self.activeGlobalEvents[key]['latest'] = cond else: print('ERROR:\n'+cond)
[docs] def loadGlobalActions(self): """ Loads global actions from file and stores them in dict 'self.globalActions' """ print('Loading global actions from file') userpath = self.config['global']['documentfolder'] if not os.path.exists(userpath): os.mkdir(userpath) if os.path.exists(userpath+"/globalActions.json"): try: with open(userpath+"/globalActions.json", encoding="UTF-8") as jsonfile: self.globalActions = json.load(jsonfile, encoding="UTF-8") except Exception: self.globalActions = {} logging.error('Error in GlobalActions-JSON-File') return else: self.globalActions = {"action2": { "listenID": [ "testID" ], "parameters": "", "script": "Generator.gen_level = 1", "active": False } } return empty = { "listenID": [], "parameters": "", "script": "", "active": False } for name in self.globalActions.keys(): tmp = self.globalActions[name] self.globalActions[name] = empty for key in tmp.keys(): self.globalActions[name][key] = tmp[key]
[docs] def saveGlobalActions(self): """ Saves global actions from 'self.globalActions' to file. """ print('Saving global actions to file') with open(self.config['global']['documentfolder']+"/globalActions.json", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp: json.dump(self.globalActions, fp, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs] def checkGlobalActions(self, actions): """ Checks if actions are valid. Will add the key 'errors' to each event. 'errors' will be True, if it's not valid. Args: actions (dict): actions to be checked. Returns: actions (dict): Input-actions + 'errors'-key """ # print('Check, if actions are valid') for key in actions.keys(): action = actions[key] actions[key]['errors'] = False for value in action.keys(): if value in ['parameters', 'script']: if type(action[value]) != str: actions[key]['errors'] = True elif value in ['listenID']: if type(action[value]) is str: actions[key][value] = [actions[key][value]] elif value != 'errors': actions[key]['errors'] = True return actions
[docs] def performGlobalActions(self, id, value): actions = self.checkGlobalActions(self.globalActions) for key in actions.keys(): action = actions[key] if action['errors'] is False: for actionId in action['listenID']: if actionId == id and action['active']: # Execute action ok, prints = self.executeScript(action['script']) print('Performing global action for eventID: ' + str(id)+' with value: '+str(value)) print('Action is: '+str(action)+', Execution: '+str(ok)) print('Returns:' + str(prints))
[docs] def addGlobalEvent(self, name='testEvent', cond='', text='TestEvent', priority=0, retur='', id='testID', trigger='rising', sname='', dname='', active=True): countname = name i = 2 while countname in self.globalEvents.keys(): countname = name+str(i) i += 1 name = countname self.globalEvents[name] = {'cond': cond, 'text': text, 'priority': priority, 'return': retur, 'id': id, 'trigger': trigger, 'sname': sname, 'dname': dname, 'active': active}
[docs] def addGlobalAction(self, name='testAction', listenID='testID', script='', parameters='', active=True): countname = name i = 2 while countname in self.globalEvents.keys(): countname = name+str(i) i += 1 name = countname if type(listenID) == str: listenID = [listenID] self.globalActions[name] = {'listenID': listenID, 'script': script, 'parameters': parameters, 'active': active}
[docs] def removeGlobalAction(self, key): if key in self.globalActions.keys(): self.globalActions.pop(key) return True else: return False
[docs] def removeGlobalEvent(self, key): if key in self.globalEvents.keys(): self.globalEvents.pop(key) return True if key in self.activeGlobalEvents.keys(): self.activeGlobalEvents.pop(key) else: return False
[docs] def printGlobalEvents(self, wo=True): strung = [] for name in self.globalEvents.keys(): event = self.globalEvents[name] if event['cond'] != '': strung.append(name+': '+event['cond']) else: strung.append(name+': '+translate('RTOC', 'No condition')) return strung
[docs] def printGlobalActions(self): strung = [] for name in self.globalActions.keys(): event = self.globalActions[name] if event['listenID'] != []: strung.append(name+': '+', '.join(event['listenID'])) else: strung.append(name+': '+translate('RTOC', 'No event connected')) return strung
[docs] def triggerGlobalEvent(self, key): if key in self.globalEvents.keys(): event = self.globalEvents[key] ok, cond = self.checkCondition(event['cond']) if ok: # cond = bool(cond) text = translate('RTOC', 'Condition is valid\nAnswer: ')+str(cond) self.database.addNewEvent(text=event['text'], sname=event['sname'], dname=event['dname'], value=event['return'], priority=event['priority'], id=event['id']) return True, text else: text = translate('RTOC', 'Condition is invalid!\nAnswer: ')+str(cond) return False, text return False, None
[docs] def triggerGlobalAction(self, key): if key in self.globalActions.keys(): action = self.globalActions[key] ok, prints = self.executeScript(action['script']) if ok: text = translate('RTOC', 'Action is valid\nAnswer: ')+str(prints) return True, text else: text = translate('RTOC', 'Action is invalid!\nAnswer: ')+str(prints) return False, text return False, None